2020 was an interesting year for small businesses everywhere. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to go virtual, re-think their marketing strategies, or generally try to get ahead of the curve. The existing trends toward immersive digital marketing and … Read More

Can Artificial Intelligence Help My Small Business?
When we hear the phrase “artificial intelligence,” many of us still think of futuristic robots, virtual assistants, and predictive technology a la Blade Runner or Stark Industries. But the future is now, as more businesses are discovering that AI can help them … Read More

Four Tips to Help Prepare Your Small-to-Medium Business for Disaster
1. Imagine the worst – and make the news work for you. One of the first steps to risk mitigation planning is to create a list of potential scenarios that could impact your business operations. You will need to prepare … Read More

Remote Work 101: Survive Losing Your Work Phone
Working remote, and you’ve just lost your mobile work phone?! Yes, it probably contains access to all the trade secrets your company is using against the competition. Sure, all of your most recent emails, voice messages, and todo lists were … Read More

12 Tips for Productive Home Working
In the last few years, there has been a reported increase in employers allowing their staff to work from home. While some may enjoy the flexibility this has to offer, bringing the office home can be an alien concept for … Read More